As the OLTE team, our goal is to assist you with your course design in all distribution types (face to face, fully online, blended, or hybrid). We are here to collaborate with you in creating effective instructional approaches and meaningful learning experiences, facilitating learning processes, and evaluating learning.
We look forward to exploring innovative and needs-oriented solutions all together.
Faculty/School Instructional Design Consultants
Dr. Yeşim Nalkesen AKIN |
Dr. Sinem Emine METE |
Beyza Okan, PhD(c) |
Sectoral Education Program School of Languages (ScOLa) |
Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences Faculty of Business Faculty of Law
Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Social Sciences School of Applied Sciences Faculty of Architecture and Design |
For more, please click on the title of each category below.
You can contact us to receive consultancy services on the following issues:
Course design and development
Learning outcomes development
Course syllabus design
Course design on LMS
Course material development
Synchronous and asynchronous instructional strategies
Measurement and evaluation methods
Best practices for enhanced learning experiences
We organize various training and workshops in line with the needs of course instructors. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any training request on any subject.
The training programs offered by us are listed below:
How can I prepare my lessons in techno-pedagogical standards?
How can I increase interaction in my lessons?
How can I increase students' cognitive participation in class?
How can I use alternative measurement and evaluation methods in my lessons?
How can I design interactive and enriched course materials?
How can I use LMS?
How can I use Panopto?
How can I use Zoom?
OLTE provides one-on-one technical support via Solution Center (SC) when necessary: