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Why and how can I use Turnitin's e-rater feature?

  • The e-rater plugin is an English grammar checking service which is within Turnitin. When your course instructor activates this feature for your Turnitin assignment, an automatic feedback report is provided by the system on spelling and grammatical errors in your written assignments.
  • Thanks to the feedback report provided by the system, you can monitor your own learning and improve your English writing skills by viewing the spelling and grammatical errors in your assignment. 
  • If the instructor gives a permission, you can upload your assignment to the system again after correcting the spelling and grammatical errors.
  • In addition to the feedback that the system will automatically provide, the course instructor is also able to leave some comments on your assignment when necessary.
  • After you uploaded your assignment to the relevant area on the LMS page of the course, click on the ETS icon on the right to view the feedback provided by e-rater. Through this area, you can see all the feedback given under the different categories including grammar, spelling, style, mechanics, and usage with their numbers.



    Useful resources on using the e-rater tool:

    For more detailed information on using the e-rater plugin features, you can visit the resources on the Turnitin website.